Solved assignment 3497 aiou spring 2019

                                                        Assignment # 1
Q. 1  What does ISO stand for? What do you mean by network security.

Q. 2  What is the term communication security means. Explain its different countermeasures.

Q. 3  Discuss different attacks on information? Also explain its monitoring in detail?

Q. 4  Define cryptography.What are the reasons for encryption. Also explain different kinds of cryptography in detail?                                                                                        

Q. 5  Write a brief note on accountability and access control?
                                                       Assignment  #2

Q. 1  Illustrate different security management concepts and its principles in detail?

Q. 2  What are policies and roles in assets clarification.

Q. 3  Discuss the issues occurs in data and application security.

Q. 4  Define malicious code. Also explain application attacks in detail.

Q. 5  Write a brief note on the Private Key algorithim

Assignment # 1
Q: 1
ISO is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies.
ISO is a nongovernmental organization. It comprises standards bodies from more than 160 countries, with one standards body representing each member country. The American National Standards Institute for example, represents the United States.
Member organizations collaborate in the  promotion of international standards for technology, scientific testing processes, working conditions, societal issues . ISO and its members then sell documents detailing  standards. A General Assembly, which consists of representatives from ISO members called principal officers, acts as the decision-making body for ISO. The organization has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
ISO is used around the world to denote the organization.It is avoiding the assortment of abbreviations that would result from the translation of "International Organization for Standardization" into the different national languages . In every country, the short form of the organization's name is always ISO.

Course Outline:

Unit# 1: Introduction
            Accountability and Access Control

Unit# 2: Attacks
            Attacks and Monitoring

Unit# 3: Protocols
            ISO Model, Network Security and Protocols

Unit# 4: Security
            Communications Security and Countermeasures

Unit# 5: Security Management
            Security Management Concepts and Principles

Unit# 6: Assets Classification
            Asset Values, Policies and Roles

Unit# 7: Security Issues
            Data and Application Security Issues

Unit# 8: Communication Attacks
            Malicious Code and Application Attacks

Unit# 9: Cryptography
            Cryptography and Private Key Algorithms

Activities / Practical:

Note: The instructor may assign additional activities.

Last revised:
June 2015

Assignment # 2

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